Paxinos Bible Church
What We Believe
What We Believe
1. The inspiration and inerrancy of the Bible.
2. The Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)
3. Both the truly human and truly divine nature of Jesus Christ.
4. The creation of the universe in seven literal days.
5. The sinfulness of man and the need to be born again to be accepted by God.
6. The death, resurrection, ascension of Jesus. He is the sole sacrifice for sin.
7. Salvation through faith in Christ’s sacrificial death. Heaven is for those who accept this gift; hell is for those who reject it.
8. The Holy Spirit’s indwelling within the believer at the moment of conversion.
9. The Church’s purpose to glorify God and evangelize the world.
10. The local church’s existence as the tool for accomplishing God’s purposes.
11. The ordinances of water baptism and the Lord’s Supper (Communion).
12. The pre-tribulational return of Christ (The Rapture) as well as the return of Christ to Earth after the Great Tribulation to begin His millennial kingdom.